Count and measure branches and junctions of a skeleton image. Please see the official documentation for further details.
This plugin may be useful when measuring trabecular network parameters such as mean, maximum and total branch length.
Input is expected to be the result of Skeletonise 3D.
- Options
- Prune Ends: remove all branches that end in an end point.
- Show Trees: display a stack with the individual trees colour-coded.
- Output
- Labelled branch / junction image stack
- Labelled tree image stack (optional)
- Data containing one tree per row
- Image: file name
- Tree: tree identifier
- Branches: number of branches
- Junctions: number of junctions
- End Points: number of end points (= 0 if skeleton was pruned)
- Junction Voxels: number of voxels labelled as being in a junction
- Triple Points: number of junctions with 3 branches
- Slab Voxels: number of ordinary branch voxels
- Mean Branch Length: average length of each branch
- Max Branch Length: length of longest branch
- Total Branch Length: sum of all branch lengths
This file last modified 1345hrs 29 May 2020 © Michael Doube 2004-2025 :: Designed to be interoperable and standards-compliant.