Sets the direction in a 2D image, without rotating the image or changing it in any way.
Slice Geometry uses Orientation to calculate diameter,
second moments of area and section moduli around anatomic axes set by the user. Orientation
is found under Plugins -> Analyze in ImageJ's menus.
- Input
- Any image. Orientation can handle multiple open images with different orientations
- Options
- Main slider controls the orientation
- Orientation: input field displays current orientation (clockwise from 12 o'clock) and takes keyboard input
- deg / rad: display and set orientation in degrees or radians
- Principal direction: the main direction, the head of which is displayed in red
- Secondary direction: the orthogonal direction
- Reflect: swap the labels on this axis
- The class Orienteer has an API to get the current orientation and rotate the axes to any orientation
This file last modified 1345hrs 29 May 2020 © Michael Doube 2004-2025 :: Designed to be interoperable and standards-compliant.