Help Develop BoneJ

BoneJ is open to new development. Most development follows the philosophy of Fiji's PlugIn design guidelines. The primary source code reference is BoneJ's master branch at GitHub. These instructions help you set up a development environment using the Eclipse IDE and Git version control.

EGit, plus Eclipse, plus GitHub presents a bit of a moving target for this sort of documentation, so please get in touch if you find that something doesn't work as expected.

If you are unfamiliar with Git, please take the time to read these tutorials before starting:

This guide will use GUI tools (Eclipse, EGit and your web browser) as far as possible, but you can use the command line if you like to live on the edge.

Install software

Clone ImageJ's Git repository (optional)

Create an SSH key pair

You need an SSH key pair so that GitHub knows it's you who's pushing to your repository.

Set up your branch of BoneJ

Track and share your changes


Many thanks to BoneJ's first collaborator Nick Powell (nmpowell), who tested earlier versions of these instructions and contributed several important improvements.

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